The Miniature Schnauzer Club of Michigan meets approximately 6 times per year. Often they are held in conjunction with a brunch/dinner or a club event. Guests are ALWAYS welcome at our meetings.

Membership meetings are generally held in:

For meeting dates, times, and other club news, please check our calendar page or go to the Newsletter page to download the latest issue of our bi-monthly Newsletter.

Please contact our newsletter editor Sue Quinn at [email protected] if you are unable to download, and she will mail you two complimentary issues.
    Interested in joining the MSCM?  We require that you attend 3 club meetings before we accept your application. Here is a membership application and instructions. A signed Code of Ethics must be turned in with your application. 

2025 Officers of the Miniature Schnauzer Club of Michigan 
                                                                        President –Sue Quinn
Vice President- Beth Santure
Secretary –Sue Proctor
Treasurer – John Schauer

Members in good standing of the Miniature Schnauzer Club of Michigan 

P = Pet owner 
C =Conformation 
B =Breeder 
O =Obedience 
A =Agility

The Miniature Schnauzer Club of Michigan, Inc.
Lynn Baitinger-- P,O,A
Melinda Blesch​--P
Sarah Blesch--P
Cheryl Coffman-- C, B 
Marcia Coffman - - C, B 
Diane Gardner--
Terri Harmon-- C, B
Margo Heiden-- P
Pat Heinzelman-- O,A 
​Karla Hench--C,B
Debbie Herrell-- C,B

Mike & Bethany Hoover-- P
Mark & Karin Jaeger-- C 
Barbara Klaus-- P
Donna Klaus--C,B
Mary Ann Kozlowski-- P,A
Joanne McCallum-- O,A
​Sue Proctor--P
Sue Quinn-- C, O,A, 
John & Beth Santure-- C,B,O,A 
John Schauer-- P, A
JoAnne Scott--P,A